Tuesday, August 28, 2018

AoW #2 | Columbus Circle, NYC

Read Erin Durkin's article from New York Daily News. Then, compose a response in which you:

Paragraph 1: Identify the article's 5W's and H. (Explain the who, what, when, where, why, and how). Which point of view is presented, and what are its main concerns?

Paragraph 2: Do you agree or disagree with this perspective? Give at least two evidence-based reasons why or why not.

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

AoW #1 // BAGPIPE News!

College Board has rooted the AP US History key concepts in seven themes. These are fundamental in our approach to the content. They are:

If we rearrange these themes and re-label them with a catchy acronym, we get:

B   -    Beliefs
A   -   America in the World
G   -   Geography
P    -   Politics and Power
I     -   Identity
P    -   Peopling
E    -   Economics

For this inaugural blog post, your task is to select a credible news story that occurred this summer (June - present). It must include:

  • At least 1 high-quality image
  • Paragraph 1 = 5 W's and H (who, what, when, where, why, and how)
  • Paragraph 2 = Connection to theme. Which theme does your news story embody most? Why? Give specific reasons.

For full credit, your blog must also:
  • Be 250 words or more
  • Use block formatting. Single-spaced with a line separating paragraphs. No indent for a new paragraph.
  • Use any POV (1st, 2nd, 3rd are all okay!)
  • Be your original work. Remember, give credit where credit is due...
  • Hyperlink all sources used for information, quoted, or paraphrased. Do display the entire url as your link. Instead, write the title of the article or a phrase, highlight it, and add the link to that.
  • Embed one or more images or video
  • Resources to help with citations, fair use, and other blogging dilemmas:
  • You should write your posts in your own style. This might mean being witty and clever, or it could mean being serious and straightforward. There is no one way to do this, as long as you remember to be school appropriate. 
  • Follow grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules.
  • Include a compelling and creative title
  • Be posted before class begins on Friday, August 13.